Dear Grow Christians Community,
It’s with profound sadness that I write with the news of Elizabeth Felicetti’s death. A Grow Christians contributor and brilliant writer, Elizabeth was also a devoted spouse, aunt, sister, and parish priest. She was a fierce lover of her mutt Pepper and found joy spotting birds from her early morning walks. She was honest, even when it made others uncomfortable.
It’s this honesty paired with her sense of humor that made her most recent book, co-authored with Samantha Vincent-Alexander, such a profoundly practical and unique collection of prayers. Elizabeth was in the final stages of writing Irreverent Prayers when cancer reappeared in what remained of her left lung. And so a chapter was added to the end of the book entitled ‘Relapse.’ Surgery was performed, but part of the tumor remained. Elizabeth wrote in the chapter that she wasn’t sure how much longer she’d be alive, but she hoped that people would pray the words in the following prayers after she was gone.
So I offer you two prayers from that closing chapter. They capture her wit and candor, but most of all, her fierce faith. Rest well and breathe easily, Elizabeth, and maybe don’t be too angry that folks are saying such kind things about you.
Prayer after Losing Longevity
He has shortened my days.
—Psalm 102:23B
God, with this sickness my days have been shortened. Help me to embrace the life that I have left. Guide me to choose the things that will leave the biggest impact. Help me to see the life lurking everywhere: the shoots creeping up in winter, the buds on bushes and trees. Show me beauty in stark cold and dark. Narrow my focus to that which matters most. In the name of all that is holy. Amen.
Prayer Not to be Beatified
God, who welcomes us into heave: I have seen throughout my life that people who die young or middle-aged become saintly in the memories of those they loved and left behind. Please, God who remembers, help my memory be a blessing to my beloveds when I am gone, but help them lovingly remember my flaws. How I don’t detect dust or pet hair in my home but relish reality television and always crave candy. I don’t mind if they forget the ways I wounded and failed them, but don’t let them perfect me in their minds when I’m gone. Also, let me live longer than expected. Please. Amen.
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I didn’t know her, but she sounds wonderful.
Thank you Alison. This descirbes our dear friend perfectly.