Grow Christians

Day 7: Find My Will for You

On the seventh day of Christmas,

the Lord God said to me,

“Find my will for you.”


Maybe you’re like me, and sometimes you ask yourself, Am I doing what God wants me to do? I struggled with whether or not to work full-time when my children were young and have wondered if managing freelancers and projects is the right way for me to live out God’s will in my life. Maybe you wonder about whether your career is the right one for you, or if you are being called to take a break from your career to care for children or aging parents, or to follow the voice of God down some different professional path.

Finding God’s will for my life involves me seeking God’s wisdom to understand what to do in my current circumstance, asking God to help me lay out a plan to use my strengths willingly and the challenges that will come gracefully, while being open to making the changes God shows me. Although I sometimes wished I didn’t work full time, I appreciated the opportunity to run a business. It gave me the chance to help other working moms have flexibility in caring for their children while earning an income. As my children grow and approach high school and college graduation, I may shift gears. I’m currently praying and exploring what that change may look like. In the meantime, I am grateful for the path that God has taken me on so far.

I keep asking God to guide my current situation and to help me navigate the turns and twists that are coming up. And I pray for the grace and wisdom to listen.



  1. What do you like like most about your life right now? What do you like least?
  2. What does finding God’s will in your life—personally, professionally, and for your family—mean for you?
  3. What would help you become more open to God’s will in your life?



Meditate: Is there a big question on your mind? Maybe you have several big questions that you’re trying to work out. Pick one, the one that seems to be most sticky for you, and try meditating on it. Invite God to join and lead this conversation in your heart. Having this conversation is important, just like talking to anyone you love about an important topic. Find a comfortable, quiet space for this talk—close your eyes, relax, and focus on the question at hand. Be silent and still—really listen and see how God speaks to your heart. You may even want to set aside time each day for this kind of meditation.

Planning: Discuss some of your past, present, and future plans with your family. Explore the ways some plans worked out—or didn’t work out. Reflect on your plans and their outcomes. Did God have other plans for you? How did your sucessess or failures change the way you listen to God’s voice in your life? Think about your plans for the new year. Do you have any goals you’d like to set? As you and your family talk about plans and God’s will, remember that our conversations, prayers, and obstacles can be opportunities to hear and follow God’s will for our lives.

Read: The Book of Common Prayer is an important tool to help us pray along with God and to seek God’s will in our lives. Inwardly Digest: The Prayer Book as Guide to a Spiritual Life encourages us to use The Book of Common Prayer to create a template for deeper spiritual lives, and explains the purpose and intention of the prayer book with fresh insight and practical applications for daily living. Read an interview with the author here.



The Little Drummer Boy is one of those popular songs that sneaks in encouragment about listening, learning, and responding to God’s call in our lives. Listen and sing along!

(Pentatonix, The Little Drummer Boy)


Sing along with the seven verses of our “12 Days of Christmas” song.

Audio Player



Dear Lord,

Guide me in your ways all my days. Help me see the opportunities in my life are ways to follow your will for me. Guide me in making the decisions you would have me make, so that I may follow your calling in all I do. All this I ask in your name. Amen.


Dig Deeper…

Many passages in the Bible speak to us about how to find and do the will of God in the world and in our lives. Consider making a collage or other piece of art to remind you of one of the following verses when you pray to know God’s will in your own life and work.

Old Testament Readings: Psalm 143:10

New Testament Readings: Romans 12:1-2



What do you sense is God’s will for you today? Tomorrow? This year?


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2 thoughts on “Day 7: Find My Will for You”

  1. Because Christians are called to practice our faith in community, discernment group models may be a rich source of nurture, guidance, and support in times we’re intentionally and actively considering how we are called to live. For years, we have used discernment groups in the Episcopal Church as individuals consider a perceived call to ordained ministry, but some dioceses are learning that such groups are rich resources for all Christians exploring Baptismal ministry. If your Diocese doesn’t have a guidebook, curriculum, or model, feel free to contact me and I’d be happy to share ours, compiled by the Commission on Ministry from the Diocese of Spokane.

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