Grow Christians

The pilot is over. What’s next? (Plus, a giveaway!)

Exactly two months ago today, Grow Christians launched with these words: “we’re piloting this space during Lent 2016.”

On January 28, when that post published, I had no idea what the next eight weeks would bring.

I didn’t know that a couple of our very first posts would go viral, causing the site to rack up more than 23,000 pageviews in February. I didn’t know that more than 600 people would subscribe to receive posts by email.

Most of all, I didn’t know how it would work to manage the back end of a blog hosted with Forward Movement and publishing a wide array of guest authors. Even though I’ve been a blogger since 2012, I’d never done anything quite like this before. I am still grateful Forward Movement was willing to bring this idea to life with me.

Now, as we rejoice in the resurrection and celebrate Easter Week, Lent is clearly behind us. And so is the initial pilot phase of Grow Christians.

Here’s good news: Grow Christians isn’t ending. The site drew enough traffic and traction to make it evident that there’s something here worth continuing. We’re planning now for another six month run, a second pilot phase. And to make it come to life, we want your thoughts. We’re inviting you to fill out a survey. Please?

To make our invitation sweeter, we’re offering a great giveaway of Forward Movement resources!

One lucky survey respondent will receive…

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Family Graces (a tabletop collection)

Wisdom Found: Stories of Women Transfigured by Faith

Dust Bunnies in the Basket: Finding God in Lent & Easter

Holy Communion for Children

Changing Diapers, Changing Lives

The Spy on Noah’s Ark

Meet the Saints Family Storybook

Can You Find Jesus?

Can You Find Saints?

You would normally pay $110 (plus shipping) for this extravaganza of family faith formation resources. But just filling out our survey provides you an opportunity to receive them for free. (Already have some? Make them a gift!)

Why are we running this survey and giveaway? Because we really do value your thoughts. Grow Christians is still new. Help us make it work for you.

Click here to take the survey and enter the giveaway.

The fine print: The survey will be open until Saturday, April 9th. Then, I’ll close the survey, pick a random number from the entries collected, email the winner for their snail mail address and mail out the prize via USPS the week of April 10th. Only one entry per person, and only within the United States (due to shipping costs).

If you don’t want to enter the drawing, you’re welcome to simply leave comments below.


What have you liked about Grow Christians so far? What would you like to see in the future?

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5 thoughts on “The pilot is over. What’s next? (Plus, a giveaway!)”

  1. Carol Bolsover

    I loved the posts, each and every one, though some more than others. The art was wonderful. I passed it on to many parishioners, who also found it rewarding. Thank you for continuing the pilot, and I hope it continues on and on.

  2. Your posts were a wonderful addition to my Lenten observance, and I also enjoyed the accompanying images of great religious art. I learned a great deal from your reflections and am glad to know that Grow Christians will continue. I will look forward to receiving them. Blessings to you and your work.

  3. Carolyn Markson

    Thank you for your interesting posts! I’m enjoying and sometimes sharing them and look forward to each post. Blessings on you , yours and your works.

  4. I have shared these weekly posts with families in my parish these last several weeks, and have personally benefitted from your words/thoughts/ideas. Thank You!

    I love that they are brief enough to keep attention, yet substantial enough to share really important messages.

    Hoping this will continue, as I think it’s a great resource for families and individuals, and not just for kids.

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