Grow Christians

Welcome to Grow Christians

 At Grow Christians, we believe that faith is a journey best shared together. Here, we nurture our spiritual growth as a community, celebrating God’s presence in all the ordinary and extraordinary moments of life. From inspiring reflections and practical resources to family-friendly recipes and activities, Grow Christians offers something for everyone seeking to live out their faith at home. Together, we explore ways to bring joy, hope, and gratitude into daily life, building a foundation of faith that thrives through each season and grows with every shared experience.

Recent Posts

Saint Joseph, Fatherhood, and Fitted Bedsheets

In March 2019, I first learned that I was going to be a father. In those initial moments, I felt ...

The Promise of Being Marked as Christ’s Own

Do you like snakes? I am not particularly fond of them, so if Saint Patrick popped around to banish them ...

Watching My Kids Acolyte

Boredom is a safe and loved child's worst nightmare. Keeping the mind busy when the body is required to sit ...

Perpetua’s Challenge to Rethink Adulthood

“I am a Christian.”—The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity. Tr. Thomas J Heffernan. Oxford University Press, 2012. When did you ...

Parenting in the Wilderness this Lent

I remember the jokes that weren’t entirely joking as we entered Lent in 2021…wait, hasn’t the last year been a ...

The Wesley Brothers: Faithful in Devotion and Action

I have always admired those who, even when disillusioned by the church, choose to stay engaged—wrestling with their doubts until ...

Nurturing Discipleship Together

Grow Christians, where we believe that nurturing discipleship is a journey best taken together. In a world that often feels disconnected, we strive to create a vibrant online community that celebrates the presence of God in our everyday lives.

Our Mission

Empowering Discipleship and Community

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